
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spring Cleaning

I'm a freak for Spring Cleaning.  Everything about it just speaks to my little OCD heart.  Now, if you're anything like I am, chances are you've put together a list of tasks that you wish to accomplish for your annual Spring Cleaning.  And if you're not- don't you worry!  I'm here to help you!

Or you could just do this.....

Spring Cleaning Pointers:

  • Give yourself one week.
  • Write a list.
  • Gather necessary supplies BEFORE starting.
  • Enlist the help of your family.
  • Think logically.
  • Consider time restraints.

Alright, so you've probably been able to figure out by now that I usually start my Spring Cleaning by writing down a list of things that I want to accomplish.  Write EVERYTHING down, even if you don't think you'll get to it.  What doesn't happen this year, can possibly happen a few months from now or put on your list for next year.  Remember that Spring Cleaning can also involve the outside of your home as well- it's not limited to the mess inside the house.  With that being said, what should you put on your list?

Here's what I've put on my list in year's past:

  • Clean carpets- rent a machine if necessary.
  • Remove all window coverings & launder or scrub.
  • Deep clean all refrigerators & freezers.
  • Tidy laundry room.  Think about adding shelving/baskets.
  • Clean all cabinets, inside & out.
  • Power wash house & deck.
  • Clean dishwasher by running vinegar only cycle.
  • Repair/replace furniture.
  • Go through all closets & donate/sell items.
  • Clean rugs.
  • Deep clean cars- including carpet cleaning.
  • Plant flowers.
  • Launder all pillows.  Comforters too if not done regularly.
  • Wash walls.
  • Clean all trash cans, inside & out.
  • Go through all cabinets under sinks & organize/trash items.
  • Purge paperwork.
  • Deep clean pantry- remove all items, clean & toss expired items.
  • Clean all grout.
  • Do self clean on oven- note, this should be done several times per year.
  • Rotate all mattresses.  Do this twice yearly.
  • Vacuum floor vents to remove dust buildup.
  • Launder blankets & miscellaneous linens.
  • Organize medicine cabinets & toss expired items.
  • Clean/vacuum/polish living room furniture.
  • Power wash outdoor toys/furniture.
  • Organize linen/coat closets.
  • Clean out garage.
  • Touch up painting.
Hopefully this list will help to get you started.  Perhaps that's the most important thing about Spring Cleaning- just get in there and get started!  

Spring Cleaning- here I come!

Monday, April 27, 2015

You Do WHAT With Coconut Oil?!?

I'm officially ON the coconut oil bandwagon.  Trust me when I say that I never thought this day would happen.  But here I am, using the coconut oil and LOVIN' IT!

If you're like I once was, a hearty skeptic or perhaps you are a believer but just don't know what to do with this stuff- I'm here to help you!

Google Coconut Oil + Health Benefits and you'll see a wealth of helpful articles telling you how wonderful it is.  But in case you want to hear it from a real, live person directly- here it is.  Coconut Oil has made me feel better from the inside out.  It helps with skin issues, dental health, owies, burns, wrinkles and more- it's just plain good!

Ok, now that we got that out of the way- here's how you can incorporate it into your life.  This list is not all encompassing, simply how myself and my family personally use it.  So feel free to continue with your research but take this one fact away- it's a lot easier to use than you think.

How We Use Coconut Oil-
The oil we personally use!

  • With Food.  It's great drizzled on top of air popped popcorn with a little sea salt.  Or equally good to fry up some corn tortillas.  You can also bake with it.  Pretty much any place that you would use oil or butter- you can substitute with coconut oil.
  • As sunscreen.  Umm....yeah, it really works.  A light layer of coconut oil and you're good to go!  Simply re-apply every couple hours and the best part- NO harmful chemicals!
  • To reduce fine lines and wrinkles.  A couple years ago, I started rubbing a little under my eyes and neck each night after washing my face.  I'm almost 34 years old and I don't have any wrinkles.  Seriously- not one.
  • On cuts, burns and minor scrapes.  Pretty much anytime someone gets an owie at my house, we grab the jar of coconut oil.  It's super effective at healing just about everything.
  • As a carrier oil.  Say what?!?  A carrier oil is simply an oil that you use to "cut" your essential oils.  Since many essential oils are too strong and can irritate the skin if used by themselves, we use coconut oil to blend them.
  • For oil pulling.  Ok, I'll admit- we have not been staying as on top of this as I would like.  However, the benefits to your teeth and gums simply can't be ignored.  Put about one tablespoon in your mouth first thing in the morning and swish it around for as long as you can stand it.  I usually last about 10 minutes.  Then spit it out and rinse with salt water.
  • Massage oil.  Add in a few drops of lavender or muscle balm blend and you have a great, all natural massage oil that doesn't leave a greasy film on your skin.
  • On dry and cracked feet and hands.  This stuff is a great moisturizer!  After getting out of the shower, I like to rub a little on my hands and feet to keep them looking young and healthy.
  • Hair and Beard Care.  Every couple weeks I slather on the coconut oil and let it sit on my hair for about an hour.  It makes for an excellent deep conditioning treatment!  And recently, I started putting some on the husband's beard.  It really helps to soften and smooth it out.
  • On your pets.  Last summer, Buddy Boy, ran into an exposed pipe and scraped up his paw.  Poor baby!  I didn't want to use the typical neosporin (anti-biotic ointment) because I knew he would lick at it and I didn't want him ingesting it and getting sick.  Coconut oil was a great solution!  It helped to stop the bleeding, provided the much needed wound care and I didn't have to worry if he ate any of it!
  • For rashes.  My boys are prone to heat rashes in the summer and a little coconut oil really helps with the skin irritation.  In addition, both of them suffer from eczema and at times they have
    flare ups- this works great for those issues as well.

I'm sure there's more ways we use coconut oil but I just can't think of anything else right now.  The last couple years has seen a major shift in my household and this magical oil has been a big part of that! I can't recommend it enough!

We are currently using the oil found at Trader Joe's, it retails for $5.99 per jar.  I have several jars throughout my house, one in the kitchen, one in each bathroom and a couple in my food pantry and linen closet.  When shopping for your own coconut oil, make sure you buy one that says ORGANIC and VIRGIN as this the purest and most natural form available- meaning, it's not as refined/processed.  Less processing is always a good idea in my book!

*Disclaimer- as with any item used for medicinal purposes, please for the love of God do your own research.  I am clearly NOT a medical doctor and I'm only speaking from my own personal experience.  We love coconut oil and I'm sure you will too!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

How Do You Do It?!?

This is a question that I hear quite frequently.  The reality is pretty simple- everything just seems to work out.

What am I talking about?  Well, in case you're not a regular over on my Facebook page, you might not know that I'm a bit of an overachiever perfectionist with OCD tendencies.  Yikes!

I have two jobs, work the equivalent of 60 hours each week and homeschool in addition to being Wife and Mom.  I'm pretty busy.  Ok- I am very busy.  Many of you have asked how this is even possible and want to know how you can do this too.  So today I thought I would share with you my typical weekly schedule.

10-Noon Homeschool Classes- away from home
Noon-2pm Errands
2-8pm Customer Service (Job #1) while doing homeschool lessons with kiddo

Total = 6 hours work
             4 hours homeschooling

9-8pm Job #1 at home while doing homeschool lessons with kiddo

*This is the day I also schedule all appointments as needed.  I'm talking- doctor visits, dog grooming, orthodontist etc.

Total = 11 hours work
             2 hours homeschooling

10-Noon Homeschool Classes- away from home
1-5:30pm Job #1 while doing homeschool lessons with kiddo at home
6-7pm Karate at YMCA
7-9pm Open Swim at YMCA, about every other week

Total = 4.5 hours work
             6 hours homeschooling

9-4pm Job #1 at home while doing homeschool lessons with the kiddo
12:30-2:30pm Homeschool Classes at YMCA, drop off & come home to work
5pm-11pm  Administrative Assistant (Job #2)- away from home

Total = 13 hours work
             4 hours homeschooling

9-4pm Job #1 at home while doing homeschool classes
5pm-Midnight Job #2, every other week
7-9pm Open Swim at YMCA if not working job #2

Total = 14 hours work
             3 hours homeschooling

Job #2 Hours vary but approximately 6-10 hours
Kiddo's soccer game, times vary

Total = 6-10 hours work

Job #2 Hours vary between 6-10 hours approximately every other Sunday

Total = 6-10 hours work

Grand Total for the Week:

Work:  60.5-68.5 hours
Homeschooling: 19 hours

Wow!  Until I put my schedule in written form, I didn't realize how much time I really spend working.  Please keep in mind that this is also an average.  Some weeks are less and some are more.

A few things to note.  

  • I don't work every single weekend, all weekend long.  I typically have one Saturday or Sunday off per month.  However, many times this day off is filled with family activities or babysitting.  Rarely do I have a real "FREE" day.
  • Both my jobs offer a very flexible schedule.  This is my only priority when looking for work- flexibility is key to a schedule as busy as this!
  • This schedule might not work as well if I wasn't allowed to work from home for job #1.
  • Job #1 also involves assembly work, so many times I am assembling for job #1 on the weekends after coming home from job #2.  On these days, I can spend 18 hours working.
  • In addition to work and homeschool- I am also in charge of all cooking, cleaning and household chores like grocery shopping and bill paying.  Food is always prepped and left for my boys when I'm out working as my main priority is ALWAYS my husband and son.
  • Because both the husband & I have heavy work loads, our date nights are sacred.  Our schedules usually align about twice per month and we are able to enjoy a night out together.  If a month has gone by and we've missed date night, I will switch shifts with a co-worker at job #2 so that I can spend a night out with my man.  My marriage comes first!

Want to read more about working and homeschooling?

Monday, April 20, 2015

To Lay Down Your Life

Today I read this article featured on The Busy Mom.  If you've never read her blog, you simply must!  I'm also a big fan of her Facebook page, so make sure you check that out too!

Alright, so I read this article and it inspired me.  You can read the article here but I'll summarize.  The author was speaking to laying down our lives for our children just as Christ did for us.  We as Mothers, do for our children.  Always.  Just as Christ did for us.  Pretty basic stuff but in truth, I had never really thought about it before reading this article.

So a few things I took away from this-

#1- This is perhaps the very first time I've ever thought of Christ as a Mother figure.  I think it's safe to say, that we all see Him as a Father figure, right?  All knowing, all powerful.  A strong male.

Suddenly this concept of Christ laying down His life for His children as it compares to a Mother laying down her life for her children, just made sense.  A little unorthodox sure, but it made sense nonetheless.

I know, right?

#2- Our role as women is to lay down our lives for others.  The Bible tells us so.

We are constantly picking up, cleaning, feeding, schlepping, organizing, driving, doing, going....we are always in motion for our children and our spouse.  We are the nurturers and caregivers of our family.  We give and give and give simply for the happiness and well being of others.

#3-  There is strength in laying down your life.

Who is stronger than Christ?  Umm....exactly.

When people try to tell me that I'm weak or that there must somehow be something terribly wrong with me simply because I lay down my life for others, I can now be reminded that Christ laid down His life for me.  There is a quiet strength in giving and doing for others.

Disclaimer-  because, well...I know some of you will probably have a few things to say about this.

I am in no way saying that we should give and give and give without expecting anything in return.  Did Christ lay down His life without expectations for His children?  Of course not.  There's a big difference between laying down your life for your loved ones and being a doormat.

There are of course checks and balances in this system.  For example, we teach our children how to do for themselves, do we not?  Of course, I spend my fair share of time picking up after my child, what Mother doesn't?  However, at the same time, I am also teaching my child how to do this for himself.  Gently reminding him that dirty socks do not belong under the kitchen bar stools.  Showing him where to put his laundry, explaining to him how to operate the washing machine, how to properly fold his clean clothes, etc.

Laying down your life does not mean that you do everything for everyone all the time.  I'm sorry- it doesn't.  This is not the message here.

What it means is that you give of yourself freely to those you love.  Can we just stop for a moment and think on that?  To give the gift of yourself, of your love- freely.  Now that's a beautiful thing.  There is nothing weak in doing this, in fact- I believe it takes a truly strong woman to lay down her life for others.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Unplug Yourself

These last four weeks I have taken an unintentional break from the computer and online world.

You see, first my cell phone stopped working.  It's basically just a phone now that dials and receives calls- but don't leave me a voicemail or send me a text because I won't get it!  Then while I was updating my laptop, I somehow caught the lovely virus known as, The Automatic Repair Loop.  Fabulous.  And finally, my Ipad decided to freeze up on me.  Not good.

Since I work from home Monday through Friday, I NEED a working computer and Internet connection.  Otherwise I can't work.  I was happily limping along on my Ipad but when it hit the crapper, I knew it was finally time to drag myself back into the "real" world.


However, in these last few weeks, I've learned quite the lesson.  Which is of course that sometimes we need this break from the constant technology.  It's been so nice not having to listen to a mountain of voice mails- both work and personal.  Although I'm sure work would heartily disagree.  The freedom that comes with not seeing the barrage of text messages or weeding through the spam in my email in box has been very liberating.  But perhaps the best thing of all has been all the free time I have suddenly found myself with.  I'm not mindlessly surfing anymore and that gives me more time to devote to my family.

This lesson comes at a perfect time.  Ironic though it may be- this article has been floating around social media the last week.  And wouldn't you know it, it's all about how social media is ruining marriages for this generation.

Say what?!?

I'll summarize.  In it, the author states that marriages fail because of five main reasons.  Those being, lack of sex, financial hardship, disconnect, selfishness and you guessed it- social media.

Can we just step back for a moment and take a common sense approach to marriage?

If you are lying, cheating and spending more time on Facebook than with your spouse- yes, you will encounter marital discourse.  If you are rude and selfish- I hate to say it but no one, spouse included, will want to spend any time with you.  And for heaven's sakes- figure out your finances right quick so they aren't the reason your marriage fails.

You guys- this isn't that hard.  We can do this.  Seriously- our grandparents did it, our great grandparents did it- we should be able to as well.  Right?  The only difference between the generations before us and the one we currently live in is the fact that we are constantly plugged in.  Computers, laptops, cell phones, Ipads, nooks, apps, blogs and the latest- the Apple Watch.

Get off the technology.  For the LOVE OF GOD, just simmer down.  It's too much.  It's everywhere.  It's constant.  It's not necessary.

While I completely agree that marriages can fail for any number of reasons- in my opinion they are not successful because we simply don't view them as sacred.  Somewhere along the way, we stopped seeing marriage as holy matrimony and more as an item to check off our To-Do List.

Prior to my month long technology reprieve- I was still bringing the Ipad into bed with me.  Surfing the funny cat videos and reaching the next level on Candy Crush was more important than cuddling with my husband.  Or least, this was the message I was sending out loud and clear.  I was not making my time with my husband a priority, it simply wasn't sacred anymore.

Gah.  I'm ridiculous.

Can we just all agree to unplug from the screens and plug in more to real life?  Target your attentions on the people who are present and less on the people through the computer.  Social media and technology is great but there's a time and a place for everything.  And let me just tell you that if it's causing strife in my marriage- it will be gone.

So yes- I took a month off.  I stopped blogging.  I spent WAY less time on Facebook and I didn't even glance at Instagram or Twitter once.  Seriously- not even once.  Oh- and I'm still not texting because all my phone can do is call people.  What is this?  The 1980's?!?

And it was good.  Unplug yourself, before you wreck yourself.